Together, we can change lives.
Together, we can provide a lifetime of self-sufficiency and self-reliance through stable housing, clean water, education, and employment.
How does it work?
Employing local community members for every project.
For the current Okodwela Home Project, through the generosity of your partnerships and giving, we can supply Zambian families with their very own plot of land and a fully furnished home – creating sustainable jobs, and building happy, thriving communities.
Okodwela plans to continue developing projects that align with its mission to provide lifetime ownership of safe and secure housing to families and enhance opportunity of employment, education, and access to clean water, and with your help, we can make this happen!
Okodwela, NFP is a recognized Non-Profit Foundation by the United States of America and a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
Okodwela Zambia is a recognized Non-Governmental Organization by Zambia, RNGO 101/1531/2021.

Did you know?
What your money can do:
Water Filter
Feed a family of 4 for one month
1 Mattress + 2 Pillows + 1 Blanket
Title + Deed
Medical Supplies for a Family of 4 for 1 Month
1 year School Tuition
Basic Skills Development Course
Plot of Land
Materials to build 1 Home
Fully Furnished Happy Home